How does exam stress affect students’ academic performance?

Exam stress is that fluttery feeling in your stomach when you are about to take a big math test and worried about remembering all the integral and derivative formulas.

It refers to the feelings of tension, worry, and nervousness students experience before, during, or after taking an examination.

The purpose of this article is to help students understand what exam stress is, why it happens, and how to cope with it effectively.

Exam Stress:

Definition: Exam stress is the intense pressure and worry students experience when facing an important test or examination.

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Why It Happens: Most common are two reasons:

  • Uncertainty: Students often feel uncertain about their preparation, wondering if they studied enough or will remember everything during the exam.
  • Fear of Performing Poorly: The fear of not performing well can lead to stress. Students worry about getting low grades or disappointing themselves and others.

Consequences on Academic Performance:

  • Concentration: When stressed, students’ minds lose concentration, affecting their ability to answer questions accurately.
  • Memory Challenges: Stress can impair memory recall, making it difficult to remember facts or formulas.
  • Blank Mind: During the exam, students’ minds goes blank after seeing the questions. As a result, they may score lower than expected.

I. Preparing for Exams Without the Stress

Time Management:

Time management helps you balance study, rest, and other activities with just a little effort beforehand:

  • Create a Study Schedule: Make a timetable that allocates specific time slots for different subjects. For instance, study math from 4 PM to 5 PM, science from 5:30 PM to 6:30 PM, and so on.
    • Breaks Matter: Don’t forget short breaks! After studying for an hour, take a 10-minute break to recharge.

Importance of External Resources:

YouTube: YouTube has educational videos on a wide variety of topics. For example, if you’re stuck on a historical concept, search for “Ancient Egypt Explained” on YouTube.

Google: Use Google to find answers to your questions. Type in your topic, and you’ll get lots of information.

ChatGPT: You can ask ChatGPT to explain difficult concepts in simple wording. Just type the command “Hey there, explain _______ using 8th grade English Grammar.”


Minimizing External Distractions and Embracing Boredom:

  • Distractions: Turn off your phone or put it in another room while studying. Noise and notifications can distract you.
  • Embrace Boredom: Sometimes studying feels boring, but that’s okay! After limiting your external distractions, studying would feel much more enjoyable.

Remember, It’s about the journey, so focus on that, not the results. It is not about completing but rather enjoying what you’re learning.

II. Suffering from the idea of exams?

What Is ‘Suffering’ from the Idea of Exams?

We ‘suffer’ from what is on our minds. Instead of ‘suffering’ from exam stress and worry due to constantly thinking about it, choose to ‘suffer’ from positive aspects like learning, growth, and enjoying the process.

  • Example: Imagine you have a big science test coming up. You can either suffer from anxiety, thinking about all the things that might go wrong, or you can suffer from excitement, knowing that you’re learning cool stuff about the universe!

Solution: Suffer from What ‘Good’ You Want to Suffer From

You get to decide what occupies your mind. Do you want to suffer from fear and pressure, or do you want to suffer from curiosity and enthusiasm? Instead of thinking, “I have to study,” think, “I get to learn amazing things!”

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Ideas for Positive Mindset:

  1. Before the Exam (2 Hours Prior):
    • Choose Enjoyment: Remind yourself that learning is an adventure. Enjoy reviewing your notes and understanding new concepts.
    • Appreciate the Opportunity: Think, “I’m lucky to have this chance to show what I’ve learned.”
  2. During the Exam:
    • Be Creative: When answering questions, don’t just give plain answers. Add your own thoughts and ideas. Make your answers meaningful.
    • Imagine Sharing: Pretend you’re explaining the topic to a friend. How would you make it interesting for them?
  3. After the Exam:
    • Celebrate: Regardless of how you think you did, celebrate the effort you put in. Treat yourself to something nice—a favorite snack, a walk, etc.

Remember, exams are part of the learning journey. Choose to suffer from the good parts—the joy of discovery and growth!

III. Lifestyle Adjustments to Alleviate Exam Stress

Physical Exercise:

When you’re exam stressed, going for a walk or run can calm your thoughts. Exercise helps your muscles relax and releases happy chemicals called endorphins.

Good Sleep:

Sleep helps your brain recharge. When you’re well-rested, you think better and handle exam stress more calmly.

Tackling Difficult Tasks in the Morning:

  • Morning Challenge: Do the hardest task first thing in the morning. Why? Because your brain is fresh, and stress levels are lower. Once you conquer that tough task, other things seem easier.
  • Example:
    • Picture this: You wake up, and there’s a tricky math problem waiting for you. Instead of avoiding it, tackle it head-on. Once you solve it, the rest of the problems will feel like a walk in a park.

Taking care of your body and mind helps you handle exam stress like a champ!

IV. Mindfulness:

Mindfulness means paying attention to the present moment without judgment. It’s like being fully aware of what’s happening around you.

  • Why It Helps with Exam Stress: Instead of worrying about thoughts all the time, mindfulness helps you with not being stuck in your head with stressful thoughts 24/7.
  • Example: Imagine sitting in a park. Instead of thinking about tomorrow’s test, notice the birds chirping, the breeze on your face, and the green grass. That’s mindfulness!

Mindfulness and relaxation are like little vacations for your mind!


It’s easy to feel like a leaf caught in a storm of exams. But fear not! The fluttery feeling of anxiety before an exam is a shared experience, a sign of our commitment to doing well and our passion for learning. But it need not be a burden.

It’s a choice we have every day: to dread the challenge with exam stress or to dive into it with enthusiasm, knowing that with each page turned and each problem solved, we grow.

As we conclude, take care of yourself, and approach each exam with a sense of purpose and a positive mindset. After all, the true victory lies not in the grade you receive but in the journey you undertake and the person you become along the way.

Good luck, and may your learning adventure continue with joy and confidence!


  1. American Psychological Association. (2022). Stress Effects on the Body.
  2. Mayo Clinic. (2022). Stress Management.
  3. National Sleep Foundation. (2022). How Much Sleep Do We Really Need?
  4. Harvard Health Publishing. (2022). Exercising to Relax.
  5. University of California, Berkeley. (2022). Greater Good Magazine: The Science of a Meaningful Life.

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